Go to the block: Latest in force regulations
Municipal regulations
There can be found in this index card the regulations, rules and other types of laws of the Town Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz that regulate the services, activities and income of the local entity.
Regulations in progress
Regulations currently in the public reporting period, or pending definitive approval or entry into force.
Regulation searcher
In this search engine you can search for ordinances, regulations, and other provisions of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz that regulate the services, activities and income of the local entity.
Search results
From 1 to 20 of a total of 289 results of in category Regulations
Calendario de pago de impuestos - Hacienda municipal
[Category: Standard] [Thematic field: Treasury]
Ordenanzas Fiscales
[Category: Tax Ordinance] [Thematic field: Treasury]
Estatutos Sociales de la Sociedad Urbanística Municipal de Vitoria-Gasteiz 'Ensanche 21'
[Category: Statute] [Thematic field: City Planning - Housing]
Plan General de Ordenación Urbana_MOA-1/65: Central Lechera
[Category: Edict] [Thematic field: City Planning - Housing]
Estatutos E21 mayo 2022
[Category: Statute] [Thematic field: City Planning - Housing]
Estatutos del Organismo Autónomo Conservatorio Municipal de Danza 'José Uruñuela'
[Category: Statute] [Thematic field: Education]
Estatutos de la Escuela Municipal de la Música 'Luis Aramburu'
[Category: Statute] [Thematic field: Education]
Estatutos del Consorcio del Centro Asociado de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de Vitoria-Gasteiz
[Category: Statute] [Thematic field: Education]
Ingurugiro Gaietarako Ikastegiaren Estatutuak
[Category: Statute] [Thematic field: Environment and sustainability]
Ordenanzas Fiscales 2025 (PDF)
[Category: Tax Ordinance] [Thematic field: Treasury]
Convenio colectivo para la empresa TUVISA S.A.
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Mobility and transport]
Anuncio BORME reducción capital 12/11/2021
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: City Planning - Housing]
Reglamento regulador Centros Socioculturales de Mayores
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Social services]
Comité de Ética Municipal Vitoria-Gasteiz: Reglamento de funcionamiento interno. Marzo 2022.
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Municipal government]
Reglamento orgánico de participación ciudadana
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Municipal government]
Reglamento para el Servicio y Administración del Cementerio de El Salvador
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: City Planning - Housing]
Reglamento del Consejo Escolar Municipal de Vitoria-Gasteiz
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Education]
Gasteizen Bidaiarientzako Hiri Garraio Kolektiboaren Zerbitzua Emateko Araudia
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Mobility and transport]
Reglamento regulador de la gestión de las bolsas de contratación temporal TUVISA S. A.
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Mobility and transport]
Gasteizen Bidaiarientzako Hiri Garraio Kolektiboaren Zerbitzua Emateko Araudiaren Aldakuntza (aldaketa)
[Category: Regulations] [Thematic field: Mobility and transport]
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