Thematic fields and subjects

The fields of interest for citizens provide an organised area where citizens may interact with the city council. Type in a subject of your interest in the following search field and you may perform specific procedures, located related sites, consult services or frequently asked questions, submit suggestions in the citizen mailbox, read news items...

Mobility and transport

Issues related to the provision and management of various forms of urban and intercity public transport, as well as the management, monitoring and traffic control concerning road safety in the municipality and parking of motor vehicles.

Public space

Issues related to the different actions carried out on roads and in public open spaces, as well as the general conditions of the elements and objects found in them.

Environment and sustainability

Issues related to public sanitation and urban waste management, as well as environmental management, information and awareness in the municipality.

Citizen services and information

Issues related to the different citizen services and information means, modes and channels used by the Municipal Administration.

Social services

Issues related to the provision and management of social services and resources in the municipality as well as the management, control and maintenance of municipally owned social service facilities.


Issues related to the management, inspection and collection of taxes and other municipal revenues.

Economic promotion

Issues related to the promotion and dissemination of business and trade activities as well as congresses and trade fairs in the city

City Planning - Housing

Issues related to the design, construction and management of the city and of its surroundings as well as the management of publicly-owned cemeteries.

Health and consumption

Issues related to consumer information and protection, commercial activities in public areas as well as public sanitation and hygiene.


Issues related to the provision and management of municipal educational services (nursery schools, dance schools, music schools, folklore academies...), to school colonies organized by the City Council as well as the management, control and maintenance of municipally owned educational facilities.

Public safety

Issues related to City Council actions concerning civil and citizen rescue and protection as well as actions affecting public order.

Coexistence and cooperation

Issues related to any situation involving differentiation, exclusion, restriction or preference based on reasons of sex, race, religion or social status that result in the infringement or limitation of equal human rights and fundamental liberties in any sphere of public life.