Why Vitoria-Gasteiz? - Water consumption and management


Thanks to the Comprehensive Water Saving Plan, significant savings have been attained in domestic consumptions per inhabitant. Domestic consumption is 118 litres per inhabitant and day. The aim is to reach a per capita consumption of less than 110 litres per day.

The efficiency of the water supply network stands at 90%.

Vitoria-Gasteiz City Hall is currently developing its Plan Futura. This consists of a set of actions that aim to improve efficiency levels in water management. This programme is being developed in accordance with the idea that the efficient management of water must be used to promote a sustainable use of this resource and a reduction in overall management costs.

The proposals contained in the Plan Futura for the period 2009-2012 are based on a water management strategy considered essential in order to guarantee not only the satisfaction of the water demands of the consuming public, but also the protection and care of the environment.

icono Amvisa: Futura Plana

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