Tourist brochures and plans - Tourism in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Guide of the city

Tourism - Guide of the city

A range of tourism resources for Vitoria-Gasteiz, with extensive information on its historical, patrimonial and natural wealth and its dedication to sustainability.

  • Date of publication: 2024.
  • Languages: Spanish, Basque, English and French.
  • Guide of the city pdf.

Tourist maps

The city’s most important tourism resources.

Digital tourist map

Tourist map-page

Turismo - Plano ciudad 1

The mural itinerary – Map

Ruta murales mapa

Map of green routes

Turismo - Rutas Verdes

Routes to follow on foot or by bicycle through 3 of the parks in the Green Belt of Vitoria-Gasteiz: Armentia, Salburua and Olarizu.


Triptico Gastronomia (en)

Markets, typical dishes, corners linked to our most traditional products and a selection of the guides to taste the best pintxos or menus.

Green Capital

Triptico Capital Verde (en)

The natural charm of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in a brochure with proposals to get to know the Florida Park, the Green Belt and other tourist attractions such as the Old Basque-Navarre Railway Line Greenway or the Santa Catalina Botanical Garden.

  • Date of publication: 2020.
  • Languages: Spanish, Basque, English and French.

Active Tourism

Triptico Turismo Activo (en)

Proposals for running, cycling, horseback riding or nordic walking. Plans in a city with sport as a sign of identity.

Family tourism

Turismo - Triptico turismo familiar

Enjoy Vitoria-Gasteiz with your family. A sustainable destination that will let you discover its history and experience nature, all in a unique environment full of contrasts.

Vitoria-Gasteiz in 1, 2 or 3 days

'Vitoria-Gasteiz in 1, 2 or 3 days' three-part brochure

If you visit us on time, this is your brochure: it contains proposals to squeeze the most out of your stay, combining history, nature, food and wine in the capital of the Basque Country.

Medieval City

'Medieval City' three-part brochure

A tour of the medieval 'almond', which brings the city’s history to life with a cathedral that’s “open for works”, the remains of the city walls or Renaissance palaces.

Responsible Tourist Guide

Folleto Turista Responsable 4 idiomas

Presentation of tips based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the World Tourism Organization, and the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism ST+20..

Date un respiro en Álava

Folleto "Date un respiro en Álava"

Breathe nature, history, culture ... This brochure by the Álava Provincial Council and the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council invites you to discover unique landscapes in which to take a break.

Star Guide

Turismo - Guía Estrella

Guide edited by the Gasteiz On Retailers Association with the support of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council and Provincial Council of Álava. It invites you to try different pintxos, coffees, drinks, menus and delicatessen products from Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Accessibility guide

Turismo - Guía de accesibilidad

Information on the accessibility conditions for getting around the city and visiting monuments, museums and hotel and catering establishments.

  • Date of publication: 2019.
  • Languages: Spanish, Basque, English and French.
  • Accessibility guide pdf.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, everything you see and much more

Turismo - Folleto Todo lo que ves y mucho más

Promotional brochure for Vitoria-Gasteiz as a tourist and congress destination.

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Web orria: Liburuxka eta plano turistikoak - Turismoa Vitoria-Gasteizen

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    Ongi izan,

    Vitoria Gasteiz City Council Logo The City Council 29/11/2024 13:31:49

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    View attached file

    Mikel Muy triste 29/11/2024 14:13:18 Comentario respondido

  • Eskerrik asko zure mezuagatik, asko baloratzen dugu zure iradokizuna eta kontuan har-tuko dugu etorkizunean gure materialak eguneratzeko.

    Ondo izan,

    Biltzar eta Turismo Zerbitzua

    Vitoria Gasteiz City Council Logo The City Council 04/12/2024 14:30:52