Green Belt of Vitoria-Gasteiz - Olarizu park
Olarizu park
Presentation | How to get here | Map and aerial views | Places and landscapes | History and tradition | Farmhouse of Olarizu | Gardens of Olarizu
Places and landscapes
The most characteristic view of this park can be seen when we approach it from the city: the spaciousness of the meadows in the foreground, with the silhouette of the Farmhouse of La Dehesa and the roundness of the hill of Olarizu in the background.
The fields or Dehesa of Olarizu is the place where the cattle which supplied the local butchers used to graze. Today, this space forms an extensive green area in which the many old elm trees, attacked by graphiosis, have been replaced by beech, poplars, oak and maples, among other species.
The hill of the Holy Cross of Olarizu or Kutzemendi is a small hill, 709 m in height, from the top of which you can get a magnificent view of the city and of the Plains of Alava in the foreground, and in the background, the mountain peaks that flank the plains, the highest of which is Mount Gorbea. The smooth shapes of the southern slopes and the steep northern face give it an unusual appearance. On the top of the Hill of Olarizu there arises a large 10 m-highly reinforced concrete cross.
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