GILSA - Land application

Land application

iconoverde Service and industrial land application sheet pdf

Requirements for the application

iconoverde Application requirements for plots in jundiz sheet pdf

Awarding procedure

Awarding of plotts will be periodically made in the Board of Directors of Gasteizko Industria Lurra, S.A.

Awarding conditions

Form of payment

  • 5% of the price of the plot plus VAT upon signing the purchase-sale agreement.
  • 45% of the price of the plot plus 95% of the VAT upon signing the deed of sale. This shall take place three months after the date when the agreement is signed with resolutory condition.
  • The remaining 50% one year after the deed of sale is signed.
  • GILSA also consider the chance to offer more flexible payment terms and even several types of contract, as rent with call option or right of surface, according to the strategic nature of the business plan.

Construction Conditions

  • Application, within the 12-month period after the date the agreement is signed, for the corresponding municipal licenses (activity and works).
  • Construction, within the 2-year period after the date the agreement is signed, of at least 40% of the maximum permitted occupancy.

Start of activity

Within the three-year period after the date the agreement is signed.

Right of pre-emption and buy-out

GILSA has a right of pre-emption and buy-out over the plot of 10 years from the date of the deed of sale.

If the information on the page does not match your information requirements, please apply via the Citizens' mailbox.