Find your route

Find your route

There are several services that will inform you on the shortest or the safest route to travel between two points in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Each one has specific features tailored to the different types of travel modes available in the city.

Geo Vitoria Geo Vitoria

Geo Vitoria is a tool that calculates the route between two points (how to arrive) for different means of transport: on foot, public transport and by bicycle. It displays graphic information on a map and explains it in text mode on the left of the screen.
Geo Vitoria also enables users to obtain information on points of interest in the municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz (POI), to consult the official street map (streets and house numbers), to measure the distance between two points, measure areas and download the information displayed on the map.

Google transit Google Transit

Google Transit(Opens in new window) is an Internet platform offered by Google to help plan journeys on public transport (combining trips by Tuvisa and EuskoTran as well as routes on foot or by car) and to find the fastest and most comfortable routes to move from one point to another in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

How do these tools work?

On all the platforms, the procedure for calculating a route is very simple: when we want to go to a specific point in the city, we only have to enter the point of departure and our point of destination. The fastest and most suitable route will be automatically generated (map and detailed route).


The City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz ensures that these services are updated and working properly, but as they are based on geo-location services beyond the control of the City Council, the results of the consultations may not always be entirely correct or the information may be incomplete or inaccurate. Consequently, the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz disclaims any liability for any consequences derived from the use of this application. It is understood that the said application is offered for information purposes only. This is a service that is continually under development and we shall make every effort in our power to correct any errors or incidents that come to our notice.


If the information on the page does not match your information requirements, please apply via the Citizens' mailbox.