Tourism in Vitoria-Gasteiz - Languages
The Basque Country has two official languages, Basque and Spanish
Spanish is spoken by all the inhabitants while Basque, spoken by a smaller number of people, is the original language of the Basque Country. The origins of this language are still a mystery as it has no clear relation with any of the known languages. Road signs, airports signs, official centres, etc., usually come in both languages.
Euskera | English |
Kaixo | Hi |
Egun on | Good morning |
Eguna | Day |
Mesedez | Please |
Eskerrik Asko | Thanks |
Ongi etorri | Welcome |
Agur | Goodbye |
Bai | Yes |
Ez | No |
Hondartza | Beach |
Hotela | Hotel |
Jatetxea | Restaurant |
Aireportua | Airport |
Aparkalekua | Car Park |
Udaletxea | Town Hall |
Udaltzaingoa | Municipal Police |
Ertzaintza | Basque autonomous Police |
Turismo Bulegoa | Tourist Office |
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