Digital tourist map - Tourism in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Mapa turístico digital

Check the map for the city's main tourist resources with GeoVitoria-Gasteiz, a geolocation app that allows you to find sites, activities and points of interest in our town.


GeoVitoria-Gasteiz on your mobile

When accessing GeoVitoria-Gasteiz from the browser on your device, the application will ask if you want to install an icon on the home screen. From that moment you can access the app directly and use all its functions.

How it works

Through the "Tourism" menu you can consult information about tourist resources and locate them on the map: heritage sites, tourist routes, natural spaces, the city's sports facilities, leisure areas, practical information...

The application also allows you to calculate itineraries through the city (walking, by bike or on public transport), search the areas around you, obtain information about the arrival time of buses as well as save and share your own list of favourite locations.

The app offers information in 4 languages: Spanish, Basque, English and French.

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