Houses and Palaces - Tourism in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Vitoria-Gasteiz has numerous examples of Renaissance palace architecture; buildings which, in many cases, have now been converted into museums or cultural centres. There are also several tower houses of medieval origin, Neoclassical buildings and elegant mansions from the beginning of the 20th century.

Medieval Quarter

Villa Suso Palace

Tourism - Villa Suso Palace

Its construction began in 1538. Some of its interior walls were part of the ancient city walls. It's also worth mentioning its main façade, its balcony-gallery or the northern façade with the Salinas heraldry. These days, it's used as a conference venue.

More information about the Villa Suso Palace

Palace of Montehermoso

Tourism - Montehermoso

Dates from 1524, formerly the episcopal headquarters and currently a cultural centre. Next to this building is the Old City Water Reservoir, a unique space used as an exhibition and events area.

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Escoriaza-Esquivel Palace

Tourism - Eskoriaza-Esquibel

Constructed in the 16th century under the orders of Fernán López of Escoriaza, doctor to Henry VIII of England and later to the Emperor Carlos V. It's the best preserved example of a Renaissance palace in the city.

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Bendaña Palace - Bibat Archaeology Museum and Fournier de Naipes Museum

Tourism - Bendaña palace

Stately palace from 1525, erected from a previous tower house. The main façade and its cylindrical-shaped tower are notable, along with its interior courtyard on three levels. It houses the Bibat Archaeology Museum and Fournier de Naipes Museum.

More information about the Bendaña Palace

Casa del Cordón

Tourism - Casa del Cordón

This palace from the end of the 15th century owes its name to the Franciscan cord on one of its entrance archways. It its interior there is a tower which, in spite of the transformations it has undergone, still retains structural elements from the period between the 13th and 14th centuries.

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Maturana-Verástegui Palace

Main facade of the Maturana-Verástegui Palace

During the 13th-15th centuries its location was occupied by an important medieval arms forge, which was destroyed by a fire. The Palace dates from the 16th century. It was built in the context of pacification promoted by the Catholic Monarchs to put an end to the War of the Bands of the time.

More information about the Maturana-Verástegui Palace

Álava-Esquivel Palace

Tourism - Álava-Esquivel jauregia

Palace from 1488. In it, among others, have slept Francis I of France and the Duke of Wellington. It has preserved Neo-Gothic elements and has two façades, one on Calle Herrería and another on Zapatería, this latter being the oldest.

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House of the Marquis of Alameda

Turismoa - Alamedako Markesaren etxea

Constructed between 1731 and 1735, the large Urbina coat of arms stands out on one of the corners of the main façade. The upper heights include picturesque decoration imitating architectural motifs.

More information about the House of the Marquis of Alameda

Doña Ochanda Tower - Álava Natural Science Museum

Turismoa - Otxanda Andrearen dorrea

Originally a fortress (15th century) which defended the western wall. During its last restoration the tower was built, now crowned by battlements. It is home to the Álava Natural Science Museum.

More information about the Doña Ochanda Tower

El Portalón

Turismoa - Portaloia

From the end of the 15th century and located at 151 Calle Correría (Plaza de la Burullería). It was a merchants' lodge, with a large entrance door to allow access to carriages. The building was restored in 1957 and is currently a restaurant. Location(Opens in new window)

Other areas of the city

Palace of the Province

Turismoa - Probintzia jauregia

The current headquarters of the Álava Provincial Council. The main façade references late Victorian Neoclassicism. The monument dedicated to the defender of privileges (fueros), Mateo Benigno de Moraza, is in the square onto which the palace looks.

More information about the Provincial Council Palace (Palacio de la Diputación)

Zulueta Palace

Turismoa - Zulueta jauregia

Constructed between 1902 and 1903 by the architect Fausto Íñiguez de Betolaza. A house-hotel with a public garden. Located on the La Senda Path(Opens in new window).

Augustin-Zulueta Palace - Álava Museum of Fine Art

Turismoa - Palacio Augustin Zulueta

It was built between 1912 and 1916 for private use. It was the work of Julián Apraiz and Javier de Luque, architects of the Co-Cathedral of Maria Inmaculada (New Cathedral). It is home to the Álava Museum of Fine Art.

More information about the Augustin-Zulueta Palace

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