Travelling by bus - Timetables and routes
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Daytime buses
- Line 1 - Circular
- BEI Line (before 2 - Peripheral)
- Line 3 - Betoño-Zumaquera
- Line 4 - Lakua-Mariturri
- Line 5 - Salburua-Elejalde
- Line 6 - Zabalgana-Arkayate
- Line 7 - Borinbizkarra-Salburua
- Line 8 - University
- Line 9 - Gamarra-Zumaquera
- Line 10 - Aldaia - Larrein
Night buses – Gautxori
Complete map of night lines - Gautxori
- G1- Lakua - Abetxuko
- G2 - Adurtza - Salburua
- G3 - Armentia - Zabalgana
- G4 - Sansomendi - Lakua
- G6 - Salburua - Aranbizkarra
Special lines
Other lines
- Airport
- Jaibus (villages of Alava in summer)
- Technology park
- Gorbeia shopping centre
- Other lines (Alavabus)
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