Paying Car Parks

pdf Park map

icono Motorhome Park

icono Underground Car Parks

icono Outdoor Car Parks

icono Dissuasive Car Parks

Motorhome Park

Address: Portal de Foronda, 48 (next to Casas Regionales)
Places: Ten 36 square metre lots. The motorhome park features lighting, fresh water and facilities to empty waste water and sewage.
72 hour maximum stay.
Latitude: 42º 52' 05'' N | Longitude: 2º 41' 02''W


Underground Car Parks

Bus Station Car Park

Address: Plaza Euskaltzaindia, w/n (from Donostia street), | 01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 16 16 66
Opening hours: from 06:00 to 24:00
Places: 302 (10 reduced mobility) | 94 bicycles | 13 motorcycles
Fee: First minute: €0,61 | From 2th to 30th: 0,024 | From 31st to 60th: 0,036 | From 61st to 120th: 0,030 | From 121st to 600th: 0,030 | Full day: €18,76
Latitude: 42º 85' 93.8400''N | Longitude: 2º 68' 4.7270'' W

Paying car parks.

Artium Car Park

Address: Prudencio María Verástegui, 1 | 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 28 53 70 / 945 16 10 54
Opening hours: 24 hours
Places: 714 (215 rotation places)
Fee: First minute: €0.54 | After first minute: €0.0177 | Full day from 7:00: €7.99
Maximum height: 2.10m
Latitude: 42º 50' 57.9516''N | Longitude: 2º 40' 4.7856'' W

Paying car parks.

Cathedral Car Park

Address: Luis Heintz, 2 | 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 15 13 11 / 945 12 88 87
Opening hours: 24 hours
Places: 671 (182 residents and 489 public use)
Fee: First minute: €0.6477 | After first minute: €0.0297 | Full day from 10:00: €18.45
Maximum height: 2.30m
Latitude 42º 50' 42.7698''N | Longitude: 2º 40' 43.2732'' W

Paying car parks.

El Corte Inglés S.A Car Park

Address: Plaza Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados, 3 | 01004 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 26 63 33
Fee: First minute: €0,7488 | After first minute: €0,0323 | Full day: €18,60
Places: 609
Maximum height: 1.90m
Latitude: 40º 50' 41.0994'' N | Longitude: 2º 40' 4.7856''W

Paying car parks.

Deba Building Car Park

Address: Portal de Gamarra, 1 | 01013 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 12 88 87
Opening hours: owners and tenants: 24 hours
Rotation users: open from Monday to Friday: 7:30 to 22:00.
Night hours: from 20:00 to 9:00
Fee: First minute: €0.5996 | After first minute: €0.0232 | Full day from 8:00: €14,50
Places: 325 lots, of which 108 on the 3rd floor are for lease and for hour use by visitors and users of the services provided in the building.
Maximum height: 2.30m
Latitude: 42º 51' 26.5464'' N | Longitude: 2º 39' 48.117''W

Paying car parks.

Dendaraba Car Park

Address: Postas, 40 | 01004 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 14 50 86
Opening hours: 24 hours
Places: 150
Fee: First minute: €0.59 | After first minute: €0.024 | Full day: €15.90
Maximum height: 2.40m
Latitude: 42º 50' 41.1282'' N | Longitude: 2º 40' 9.0624''W

Paying car parks.

Europa Car Park (Closed for works)

Address: Avenida de Gasteiz, 85 | 01009 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 22 82 14
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: First minute: €0.6188 | After first minute: €0.0260 | Full day from 8:00: €16.20
Places: 215
Maximum height: 2.15m
Latitude: 42º 51' 6.8416'' N | Longitude: 2º 40' 52.9968'' W

Paying car parks.

Francia IV Car Park

Address: Francia, 4 | 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 12 87 41
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: First minute: € 0.61 | After first minute: € 0.0275 | Full day: € 14.95 | Monthly vehicle pass: € 105.15 | Year vehicle pass: €1.135.62 | Monthly vehicle pass, nights: €53,15 Euros (Monday to Friday from 20:00 to 8:00, Saturdays and holidays, 24 hours) | Monthly motocycle pass: €44,30
Maximum height: 2.10m
Latitude: 42º 50' 51.3018'' N | Longitude: 2º 40' 0.6816'' W

Paying car parks.

Juan de Ayala Car Park

Address: Plaza Francisco Juan de Ayala, 1 | 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 14 58 88
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: First minute: €0.6477 | After first minute: €0.02970 | Full day from 8:00: €18.45
Places: 338
Maximum height: 2.15m
Latitude: 42º 50' 52.602''N | Longitude: 2º 40' 40.8396'' W

Paying car parks.

Amárica Car Park

Address: Plaza Amárica | 01005 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 14 24 66
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: First minute €0.6808 | After first minute: €0.0248 | Full day from: €15.75
Places: 224
Maximum height: 2.05m

Paying car parks.

Iradier Arena Car Park

Address: plaza del Renacimiento | 01005 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 16 10 92
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: First minute: €0.50 € | After first minute: 0.0175€ | Full day from: 12.75€
Places: 825
Maximum height: 3.60m and 2.10
Latitude: 42º50'28,68''N | Longitude:2º39'58,71''O

Paying car parks.



Aldabe Car Park

Address: Portal de Arriaga, 1- A | 01012 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 22 18 59
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: from 8:00 to 20:00 | Saturdays: 8:00 to 14:00
Fees: 1 hour and a half: €2.10. Saturday afternoons and Sundays free
Latitude: 42º 51' 8.8698'' N | Longitude: 2º 40' 27.8436'' W

Renfe Car Park

Address: Plazuela de la Estación, 1 | 01005 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 22 18 59
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: from 8:00 to 20:00 | Saturdays: 8:00 to 14:00
Fees: 1 hour and a half: €2,70. Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays: free
Latitude: 42º 50' 39.048''N | Longitude: 2º 40' 21.2298''W

Policlínica San José Car Park

Address: Beato Tomás de Zumárraga, 10 | 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: 945 14 57 81
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday: 7:30 to 23:30.
Fees: First minute: €0.0258 | 1hour: €1.55
Places: 272
Latitude:42º 51' 0.4998'' N | Longitude: 2º 40' 36.7062'' W

Paying car parks.

San Martín Park

Address: Pintor Díaz de Olano, 15 | 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel.: 945 56 79 39 / 945 12 88 78
Opening hours: 24 hours, all days
Fees: Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 15:00 hours €0,023 +VAT minute, other hours are free.
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: free. August: free.
Places: 157
Latitude: 42º 84' 0.4656''N | Longitude: 2º 68' 74.938''W

Paying car parks.



Portal de Foronda - Luis Olariaga Car Park

Address: Portal de Foronda nº 46
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: free
Places: 760
Public transport to access the city centre:
BUS: Line 4 Lakua-Mariturri
TRAM: Angulema Abetxuko

Mendizorrotza Car Park

Address: Plaza Amadeo García de Salazar
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: free
Places: 740
Public transport to access the city centre:
BUS: Line 2 - Periférica
Line 8 Unibertsitatea

Mendizabala Car Park

Address: Portal de Lasarte
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: free
Places: 1000
Public transport to access the city centre:
BUS: Line 2 - Periférica
Line 8 Unibertsitatea

Coronela Ibaibarriaga Car Park

Address: Coronela Ibaibarriaga
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: free
Places: 192
Public transport to access the city centre:
BUS: Line 7 Sansomendi - Errekaleor
TRAM: Angulema - Ibaiondo

Fernando Buesa Arena Car Park

Address: Carretera de Zurbano
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: free
Places: 2700
Public transport to access the city centre:
BUS: Line 3 Betoño - Zumaquera
Line Buesa Arena

Madrid Street Car Park

Address: Calle Madrid - Oñati. Vehicle access and exit via Oñati Street. Pedestrians have access to Madrid Street.
Opening hours: 24 hours
Fee: free
Places: 255
Public transport to access the city centre:
BUS: Line 2 Periférica
Line 3Betoño - Zumaquera
Line 5 Salburua - Sansomendi
Line 9 Gamarra - Zumaquera


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