Green Belt of Vitoria-Gasteiz -Salburua park
Salburua Park
Yellow vital route | Blue vital route | White vital route | Green vital route
Blue vital route
The blue vital route is a self-guided tour for anyone interested in the extensive and varied bird life of Salburua.
At any time of the year, during the day or at night, along the route that borders the Arkaute, Larrenaga, Duranzarra and Betoño Lagoons, visitors can observe the extensive and varied bird life of Salburua, assisted by the information panels that are located at different points along the pedestrian path.
Although the stops are planned in these spots, it is often that case that, in order to observe these species, one has to walk a short distance or, on the other hand, remain still for a reasonable time in a given area. Consequently, the route has been planned as a broad circuit so that visitors can plan their walk by selecting some specific spots or a specific time of the year. Everything depends on the time available or on the species that you want to see.
The content of the panels explains the unique features of each species through a brief comment on their characteristics, singularities, or specific time when they can be seen.
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