Green Belt of Vitoria-Gasteiz -Salburua park
Salburua Park
Yellow vital route | Blue vital route | White vital route | Green vital route
Green vital route
The green vital route is a self-guided botanical tour for anyone interested in the extensive and varied flora of Salburua.
This route is intended to enable visitors to enjoy most of the plants of interest found along the pedestrian path that covers the various sections of the park in any season.
In order to study this flora, a route has been designed that includes points of botanical interest where visitor can stop. We have tried to ensure that these points are representative of the different species that can be found at Salburua, taking into account various factors that affect the vegetation, such as temperature, humidity, soil type, ground slope, orientation, etc.
The route is a broad circuit and, therefore, visitors can plan their tour by selecting only a certain number of sections. Everything depends on the time available or on the species that you want to see. The path can be followed in either direction, although keep in mind that the signs have been designed for one direction.
The name given to each stop represents the botanical unit closest to the information panel, which indicates the most characteristic species and the benefits its conservation will provide.
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