
Here are issues related to the Subject of Education that the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz has classified to enable citizens to contribute suggestions, comments and requests. Click on any of them to obtain additional information on each subject and to access -in certain cases- the contributions provided by citizens and the possible responses and announcements by the city council.

Educational programmes

Issues related to the provision and management of Holiday Programmes (summer camps and play-grounds), Musical, Schools, Parent Schooling Programmes, Historical and Artistic Itineraries, Gasteiztxo... (conditions of participation, admission, allocation of places, prices, timetables...).

Nursery schools

Issues related to the provision and management of these educational and care services for children from 0 to 3 years of age (conditions of access, admission, allocation of places, prices, timetables, human resources and materials...).

Educational facilities

Issues related to the management, control and maintenance of municipally owned educational facilities.

Other educational issues

Issues related to municipal educational issues that cannot be included in the previous sections.