Social services
Here are issues related to the Subject of Social services that the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz has classified to enable citizens to contribute suggestions, comments and requests. Click on any of them to obtain additional information on each subject and to access -in certain cases- the contributions provided by citizens and the possible responses and announcements by the city council.
Basic requirements
Issues related to the provision and management of care programmes and resources to cover the basic needs of accommodation, food and hygiene of people who, for several reasons, are in a situation of social vulnerability, as well as support the recovery and social inclusion of these people. (Supervised Flats, Municipal Social Centre, Immediate Shelter, Aterpe Association).
Personas en situación de vulnerabilidad social
Temas relacionados con programas y servicios sociales municipales destinados a personas que se encuentran en una situación de vulnerabilidad social y/o riesgo de exclusión social: recursos de alojamiento, talleres y cursos para la incorporación social, etc.
Economic benefits
Issues related to the provision and management of programmes and resources that, by means of financial benefits, are dedicated to preventive actions with a view to assisting people who are in a situation of social marginalisation or risk (AES, Basic Income, Bonuses...).
Personas mayores
Temas relacionados con aquellos programas y servicios sociales municipales que pretenden contribuir a mantener a la persona mayor en su entorno natural durante el mayor tiempo y en la mejor situación posible: centros socioculturales, servicios de atención diurna, apoyo a familias cuidadoras, dispositivos de alojamiento, etc.
Infancia, adolescencia y familia
Temas relacionados con aquellos programas y servicios sociales municipales destinados a la infancia, adolescencia y familia: programas de participación infantil, prevención y valoración, preservación familiar, etc
Violencia de género
Temas relacionados con aquellos programas y servicios sociales municipales destinados a las víctimas de violencia de género.
Other social services
Issues related to the provision and management of social programmes and services that cannot be included in the previous sections. (Community Care Programme, Lagunkide Programme...).