Other tourism issues

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

11/11/2024 13:17:25 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:3 number of participants in relation to the topic:3

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

05/06/2024 08:02:55 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:3 number of participants in relation to the topic:3

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

04/06/2024 11:33:29 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

04/06/2024 11:32:30 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

04/01/2024 15:02:12 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

21/12/2023 13:27:52 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:3 number of participants in relation to the topic:3

Hemos actualizado la información del evento, le agradecemos el aviso

27/10/2023 11:53:11 City Council response: 1 Happy website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Agradecemos su participacion en el buzón ciudadno. Le indicamos que valoramos su aportación y que hemos recogido su sugerencia. Un saludo cordial.

10/10/2023 11:12:03 City Council response: 1 Happy website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Muchas gracias por su aportación. Tendremos en cuenta la sugerencia para la próxima reunión con el sector.

02/10/2023 10:37:50 City Council response: 1 Happy website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Circulaba a toda velocidad ??? Lo que hay que leer...

Vettel 31/08/2023 19:28:58 City Council response: 3 Normal website number of comments on the topic:9 number of participants in relation to the topic:7

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

21/08/2023 12:42:55 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Antes de nada muchas gracias por su sugerencia para realizar productos de promoción. Desde Turismo del Ayuntamiento se realizan una serie de...

10/07/2023 09:49:55 City Council response: 1 Happy website number of comments on the topic:3 number of participants in relation to the topic:3


L.S. 02/05/2023 20:03:50 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:3 number of participants in relation to the topic:3

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

14/11/2022 11:55:50 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Para un funcionamiento más eficaz del buzón ciudadano, este...

22/08/2022 12:17:56 City Council response: 1 Normal website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2

Puede votar desde este...

08/08/2022 08:53:04 City Council response: 1 Happy website number of comments on the topic:2 number of participants in relation to the topic:2